Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Evil Dead Cupcakes

I can't believe no-one has made cupcakes themed on the Evil Dead movies yet? I mean, zombie cupcakes are fine and all but if you want truly gruesome and funny cupcakes, wouldn't you go the Sam Raimi/Bruce Campbell way? I know I did.. and I know they'll be made again with my next Evil Dead movie marathon.

Now, I'm not going to write up the recipe. There isn't any special way of making these. It's a basic vanilla cupcake with choc frosting deal... except I added some Cakemate red and white decorating icing from those fantastic pens you can buy and a toy chainsaw that came with a Eminem figurine I've now lost. I kept the chainsaw and Jason hockey mask for emergencies such as this.
(note: I photoshopped out the word 'Eminem' that was on the chainsaw)

I always tell my kids to not play with their food and then I go and do this.

The cupcakes I made were quite fail worthy.. but with Evil Dead cupcakes.. they don't need to be perfect. Ugly cupcakes add to the effect. They were still yummy or so my kids said.

I highly recommend drizzling the icing pen up from higher up.. it gives a lovely squiggly effect to the icing. Also gives the "blood" icing a good splatter effect. Dexter would be proud.